PARAMOUNT LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION (PLGIC) protects the data security of its clients and potential clients by complying with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and all issuances of the National Privacy Commission, and ensures compliance by its employees, officers and directors with the strict standards of security and confidentiality.
PLGIC takes all reasonable steps to safeguard your personal information against unauthorized use, access, and processing.
PLGIC only collects or disclose your information for legitimate business purposes or as required under the law.
Any information that you voluntarily provide PLGIC will be used depending on the transaction/process/service you are requesting.
PLGIC ensures that all its employees understand the importance of keeping personal information private and confidential.
PLGIC puts emphasis on privacy when dealing with third parties, and ensures that they comply with privacy laws and standards expected from them.
PLGIC safely stores personal information as mutually agreed by the parties or for as long as required by law.
To know more about our Data Privacy Policy, please visit